Perviz Tarapore was appointed Office Manager and Executive Assistant to the Founders of the Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation in 2001. Her responsibilities include providing high-level administrative support to Younes and Soraya, handling human resources and general administration of the Nazarian family office and businesses, and liaising/assisting in philanthropic activities.
Previously, Perviz was the Executive Assistant and Analyst to the Senior Vice President and Ombudsman of the Toronto-based Toronto Dominion Bank Financial Group for over ten years. She also received the Divisional Award of Excellence from the Toronto Dominion Bank for two consecutive years. Prior to her position with TD Bank, Perviz worked as Executive Assistant to the General Manager responsible for technology and operations with the 55-branch ANZ Grindlays Bank in India. Born in Mumbai, India, Perviz received her Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in English and French from the University of Bombay. Currently, she resides in Los Angeles.